Big Bear Lake level Continues Raising

The good news is the snow melt has continued to keep the streams that empty into the lake full. The only bad news is that it won’t last very long. I am hoping for another week and then the melt will have a big slow down.  So, let’s see where we are now and where we might end. 

Remember when I reported that we were 17 feet down? Then we had some rain and some snow started to melt.  This took us to only 9 feet down and hoping for more and getting it.  We reached 7 feet 6 inches.  Yesterday I took the picture below, at the dam and we are now 4 feet 10 inches below the top of the dam.   And with the continued run off we may get that 10 inches to bring us to only 4 feet down for a gain of 13 feet or about 75%.  Looks like we are going to have a great time on the lake this summer. 


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Latest lake level Update