Latest lake level Update

In my last newsletter I was able to report that the lake level is going up from all the rain and melting snow.  If you remember the water level got to 17 feet below full. The last report I gave was that we were 11 feet 10 inches from full.  And I was hoping for the continued snow to melt to get us to 9 feet below full.  Well, the streams haven’t slowed down and the water level has hit 7 feet 6 inches from full. See picture of the measuring device at the dam at the end of this writing.  And Baldwin is a lake.  See pictures at the end of this writing. The streams are still raging, and the lake is still rising.  And we have a lot of snow still on the north facing slopes and the ski resorts that will be melting soon. I am hoping for us to get to a level where we are only 6 feet from full. Which would mean that we came up 65% from the start of the year.  I will keep you posted on the progress


Big Bear Lake level Continues Raising


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