Q2 Market Report - Eagle Knolls

Eagle Knolls Market Trends

Every three months, I will post detailed quarterly market trend tables made from three year graphs, for the Total Big Bear Area and 10 Sub Areas. Using the tables and graphs I will report the trends of Market Prices, Sales vs Active Listings, and Expired Listings and summarize what they mean to the current and future Total Big Bear Area and 10 Sub Areas Real Estate Markets. This section is for the Eagle Knolls Area. The following analysis is a detailed but easy to understand examination of these market trends.

The following stats have 2 sections. Section 1 up to $800,000 property value and Section 2 $800,000 And Up, the Luxury Market. This seems to be the most accurate price range to split the market. If you want to just get the short version of the market in the Eagle Knolls Area, you can read the Overall Summary of the $800,000 and up, Luxury Market before section 2.

Section 1 notes: the Castle Glen, Eagle Knolls and Eagle Point/Eagle Point Estates Areas are not included in section 1 stats due to the fact that there aren’t any sales under $800,000 in these areas.

Section 2 notes: the possibility of wide swings in monthly and quarterly market prices in the $800,000 and up Luxury Market.

$800,000 And Up Luxury Market Overall Summary

When looking at the data of the Eagle Knolls Area the two big areas of market influence to watch are of course interest rates and the number of listings that come on the market. We just had a 1% drop in mortgage interest rates. Which is great news. The question is will this be enough to stop prices from going down any further?

There Isn’t A Section 1 For The Eagle Knolls Area.

Section 2 $800,000 and up (Luxury Market)

Because of the low amount of sales in the Eagle Knolls Area, there is statistically not enough turn over to give us accurate information on Market Prices, Sales (only 5 since April 2022) or Expired Listings. A better Market indicator would be the Total Big Bear Luxury Market Section 2. I posted the tables and graphs for you to look at if you want what little information is available to try and give you an idea of the Eagle Knolls Area. Remember that these are upscale custom homes where a view or furnishings can make a big difference in price. Each Cabin must be analyzed on it's on merit.

If you are thinking of selling a property in the Eagle Knolls Area contact me so I can use the Eagle Knolls Area information and the information from the other Big Bear Luxury Markets to give you a accurate price that your property would sell for on today’s market.

Market Prices

Eagle Knolls didn’t have any sales this quarter.

Total Big Bear Area $1,294,000

The sub areas ranked as follows:

  1. Fawnskin Area $2,080,000

  2. Castle Glen Area $1,800,000

  3. Lake Front Area $1,706,000

  4. Fox Farm Area $1,401,000

  5. Big Bear Lake Area $1,345,000

  6. Snow Summit Area $1,080,000

  7. Eagle Point/Estates $1,048,000

  8. Big Bear City $952,000

  9. Moonridge Area $941,000

  10. Eagle Knolls $0

Remember the possibility of wide swings in monthly and quarterly market prices in the $800,000 and up Luxury Market. See the first graph below “Historic Sales Price Trend $800,000+”.

If you want to know what your Eagle Knolls cabin is worth in this price range, contact me to get a more detailed market analysis that takes into consideration the number of Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Square Feet, Lot size, Condition, Views and location.


Sales vs Active Listings (supply and demand)

Sales vs Expired Listings (strength of sales)


Q2 Market Report - Castle Glen


Q2 Market Report - Eagle Point & Estates